Articles / Making It Easy To Manufacture Perspex Screens In The UK

Based in Alton in Hampshire, an area famous for Jane Austen, Awltech PFE Ltd specializes in quality plastic fabricating equipment

Whether you manufacture perspex screens, plastic furniture or acrylic items, we make it easy to produce a quality finish.

Perspex screens are one of the most popular forms of protection against Covid-19, which means more people have been manufacturing them over the past two years. They’re also used as ‘sneeze guards’ and have never been more in-demand by businesses across the UK. It’s a good time to be manufacturing these types of products.

Perspex screens need to have a smooth finish without any sharp edges, ensuring they’re both clear and safe. 

If you’re looking for plastic fabricating equipment to produce plastic products, why not visit our showroom to try before you buy?

Our choice of equipment includes Acrylic Heat Benders, Diamond Edge Polishers, Heat Benders, Microwelders and reconditioned equipment which we’ve refurbished to the finest standards. We’re so confident in their quality, they come with a three month warranty.

Our team is always happy to assist you in finding the right solution for your requirements.

We supply clients with equipment used to safely and affordably produce all kinds of plastic products. Our products also include our portable tabletop machine, which is ideal for polishing acrylic and PMMA workpieces with a high-quality finish.

If you need machinery to manufacture perspex screens, why not find out more about Awltech PFE Ltd today? Or simply get in touch for more information.